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Mobilegeddon 2 and what you need to know

Lock your doors and take cover – Google’s changing their algorithms once again, and it’s being touted as ‘Mobilegeddon 2’ – as the search giant prepares to make big changes to the way in which websites are found via their users’ habits in line with the dramatic shift to worldwide mobile browsing.  The fact is, more and more people are now searching from the comfort of their handheld smartphones and tablets than via their desktop PCs, Macs and laptops – meaning that even the Big G has had to play a little bit of catchup!designer drawing mobile website development wireframe

What is Mobilegeddon 2?

While it might sound like the title of a direct-to-DVD disaster movie, Mobilegeddon 2 is essentially the nickname that is being given to Google’s plans to help promote websites which are ‘mobile friendly’ from May 2016 onwards.  It’s fairly uncommon for Google to announce such algorithm changes so publicly, meaning that this is very much big news to be paying attention to if your livelihood depends upon how many people find your website regularly.

What Do I Need to Do?

First of all, you needn’t be scared – while ‘Mobilegeddon 2’ is a fairly scary name, you have absolutely nothing to worry about if your website is either responsive or has a flexible mobile version that can be easily viewed, read and browsed via handheld devices.  While all good web developers and designers will have already made these changes after statistics emerged pointing to a large shift in browsing demographics last year, you should only start thinking about making changes if your website or blog is built for standard PCs and Macs only.  Google is promoting ‘mobile friendly’ websites up their search results ladder, which means that if you ignore these warning signs, you’re running the risk of being lost on page two and even further back.

How Do I Become Mobile-Friendly?

Luckily, if you’ve not yet prepared for the oncoming Mobilegeddon 2, it’s relatively simple to do so providing you know where to look and how to make amendments.  Firstly, it’s important and incredibly beneficial to run your website via responsive design, which will automatically reshape your page to whichever device is reading it – if not, using engines such as WordPress will allow for your content to be displayed in a vertical format, meaning that mobile users simply have to scroll down instead up endlessly pinching and swiping over to the right.  It’s all about simplifying the process for your mobile visitors.

Man working on a tablet pcSecondly, many websites still operate on Macromedia Flash alone – while this technology is still used and is still useful in some applications and creative areas, many devices such as Apple’s product range are unable to view websites that are built entirely from Flash.  In the past, many high-profile websites used the technology to sell products and services – but now, the very same are having to simplify matters in order for everyone to have the same access as a result of Mobilegeddon 2.

Finally, it’s important to make sure that your visitors can easily browse and use your website via smartphone or tablet.  We don’t just mean by readability – we also mean in terms of clicking links and other factors.  Ensure that links are easily distinguishable, easy to click and that they aren’t grouped together.

Don’t Panic!

Mobilegeddon 2 might have come around as a result of changes in browsing habits, but it needn’t mean that your website has to get stuck in the mud.  By making a few conscious changes to the way in which your site is presented to your visitors, you’ll be more than prepared – and from May 2016 onwards, you’ll be ready to climb Google’s search rankings once again – providing your SEO is working, too!

To keep your business in the headlights and to ensure your clients can find you safely and efficiently, you need a web design firm that is seasoned in algorithm changes and flexible website creation.  For more information and for expert assistance with responsive web design – and preparation for Mobilegeddon 2 – simply call SEO CoPilot today on 01246 540869!

Guy Tomlinson

Guy Tomlinson is the owner and founder of SEO CoPilot Ltd. As an organic SEO specialist and SEO trainer with over 15 years of experience, he has the knowledge when it comes to helping small businesses succeed online – and shares his expertise through SEO CoPilot’s blog (mentioned in Top SEO Blogs to Follow). Follow Guy’s profile on LinkedIn for more SEO Tips!
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